By Super User on December 09, 2021
Category: Health Announcements

Protect yourself .... your family .... your friends.



 The Washington Township Health Department would like all area residents to consider adding COVID vaccinations to their holiday To-Do list.  

For information on who is eligible for which vaccine   CLICK HERE.

If you are already vaccinated and considering whether or not to get your booster shot please   CLICK HERE .

As families and friends get together for the holidays it's important to remember that being vaccinated, though it may not prevent you from getting COVID, it reduces the  symptoms, the severity and the spread of this deadly disease.

Call your local Pharmacy for times and availability to receive the vaccine.  If you have other questions or concerns please feel free to call the Health Department at 908.876.3650.

Best wishes from the staff at the Washington Township Health Department for a warm and safe Holiday and a Healthy 2022.