Phone 908-876-3315 Offices open 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday
Obadiah La Tourette
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Obadiah La Tourette
The Long Valley Mill

The building looms over the bustling Route 24, once called Chester Pike, just east of Long Valley center. At once, upon seeing it, you know that the mill holds a thousand stories and probably a thousand more secrets in its ancient timbers.

Aerial View of Long Valley
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Aerial View of
Long Valley in Fall

In the rolling hills of Morris County, Washington Twp is noted for preserved farmland and historic buildings. Washington Township was incorporated as a township on April 2, 1798, from portions of Roxbury Township.

5K Turkey Trot
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Turkey Trot 2017
in Long Valley

The WMC Memorial 5K Turkey Trot is a community event being held to continue the tradition of the WMC Memorial Race started 12 years ago in memory of Kyleigh D’Alessio and Tanner Birch.

Police Honor Guard 2018
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Police Honor Guard 2018
Washington Township Police Department

The mission of the Washington Township Police Department to protect life and property, enforce the law in a fair and impartial manner, and to preserve the peace, order, and safety of the community we serve.

Memorial Day Ceremony
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Memorial Day Ceremony
Rock Spring Park in 2016

Washington Township held its annual Memorial Day Ceremony to salute our brave servicemen and servicewomen who have given so much for our country at the Veterans Memorial Site at Rock Spring Park.

Scout Projects

Completed Projects

Emily Rotola

Emily’s project, “Natural Disasters: Be Aware and Prepared” helped the community better understand the necessary precautions that should be made before and during a natural disaster. While implementing her project, Emily held multiple hour-long information sessions. During these sessions, Emily spoke about the specific preparations that one should make before and during a disaster, including the creation of a family plan, the copying of important documents, and information about what to do during certain disasters. Also, guest speakers in local and governmental positions spoke about the specific roles their departments and agencies have before, during and after a disaster. In addition, Emily held preparedness safety kit workshops. During these workshops, Emily provided essential items for their own preparedness safety kit, such as emergency thermal blankets and Meals Ready to Eat. Furthermore, by having a booth at the Long Valley Green Festival, Emily was able to reach even more people and promote preparedness for these disasters. Since most people don’t understand the magnitude of the devastation of natural disasters, Emily’s project was able to provide awareness and extra motivation for staying prepared.  View her resources here:

Outdoor classroom area

Outdoor classroom area at Old Farmers Road School

The project required leveling the classroom area ground, installing concrete footings, building and mounting the 10x15 deck/stage, building 4 custom-sized seating benches, and 2 square conversation benches. The benches were sanded and stained, and the deck/stage was stained with protective coating as well.

The project required leveling the classroom area ground, installing concrete footings, building and mounting the 10x15 deck/stage, building 4 custom-sized seating benches, and 2 square conversation benches. The benches were sanded and stained, and the deck/stage was stained with protective coating as well.

The project was funded by grants from the school district and the PTA. The project required over 80 collective service hours from Douglas and other scouts and adults from Troop 36.

Online Trails Map Project

Online Trails Map Project by Scout Alec DiLullo.  Scout DiLullo created an interactive map of existing trails in Washington Township, including GPS coordinates and elevations.

Gold Award Project: Historic House Photos

Bridgette Rec


Washington Township Committee Records

Girl Scouts Sydney Babbitt, Emily Bissell, Anna Bradshaw and Emily Meehan from Troop 80916 researched and compiled  a list of Township Committee Members from 1800 through present day. View the lists here: 

Washington Township Time Capsule

The history of the Township will be preserved in photos, artifacts and interviews to be opened at the Township's 300th anniversary in 2039. To contribute an interview or for more information, please visit:

Troop 1804 Gold Award Projects

Michelle Hennelly

Michelle’s project was to run a sport’s skills class at the Child’s Enrichment Program located at Cuccinella Elementary School in Long Valley, New Jersey for learning physically and emotionally challenged children. Every week Michelle introduced a new sport and taught the skills of how to play a sport. At the beginning of camp not very many child were enthusiastic about playing sports, but by week three, kids were doing things they have never done before. The issue her project addressed was that children with disabilities are often forgotten about in the athletic world, with the exception of the Special Olympics, and not many young disabled children are having the opportunity to go out and enjoy the love for a sport.

After teaching a sport’s skills class, Michelle felt that she met the objective of helping disabled children and their siblings reconnect to the world of sports. One boy in a wheel chair had never had the opportunity to play football, which he loved. Through the camp she gave him the opportunity to have an experience that he would have never had otherwise.

Katherine L. Perez

Katherine’s project is to locate and record the graves or markers of veteran's in the Union Cemetery in Washington Township. She led a team of volunteers into the cemetery and located and recorded all of the information on the grave stones. They were photographed and their GPS locations were recorded. Some graves were much deteriorated. They had to be researched in the cemetery office. When the field work was finished, the data was organized and given to The VFW, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Hackettstown and Washington Township Historical Society and the Cemetery Office. This project is a living legacy to our veterans.

Michelle Nicole Richar

Michelle created “Believe in Your Beauty” bags for young teenage girls with cancer. Her goal was to make these girls feel beautiful and confident since many of them do not because of their diagnosis. She contacted companies, church members, Girl Scout leaders and community members to collect make-up and beauty products. She wanted to help teenagers because she felt that many Gold Awards target young children or the elderly, so she wanted to help girls that she could relate to and that could use some comfort. The bags were delivered to Hackensack Hospital, specifically to “Tomorrow’s Children Fund”, where the children with cancer go for treatment. Michelle learned through this project that hard work pays off and she truly enjoyed helping the girls.

Julia Ann Roehrich

Julia’s project was to create a pictorial history of her historic hometown, Washington Township, Long Valley New Jersey from Old Germantown to present day. Included in this were the town mayors and officials from early days through present, buildings and people. She framed and mounted historical photographs in the building courtroom and also typed up a paragraph of information for each picture hung, telling what it was and why it was important to her town’s history. By doing this project, the pictures have gained significance in a way that is meaningful to the building and the residents. She re-created history and made something monumental for our town to be able to see and look back on for many years to come.

Paige Elizabeth Stricker

Paige’s project was titled “Recycle, Reuse, Donate”.  Paige wanted to address the fact that there are many items lying around the house that can be recycled to benefit the community, but people are unaware of where and how to donate these items.  Paige started by collecting VHS tapes and unwanted DVDs.  Most VHS tapes are ending up in landfills, but they are recyclable.  All plastics 1-7 can be recycled, but most recycling programs only collect #1 (water and soda cans) and #2 (detergent bottles).   Paige found a program in Missouri called Alternative Community Training (ACT), that recycles and refurbishes VHS tapes, and they hire disabled adults to do all the recycling.  All proceeds are used within the program to employ disabled adults in various capacities within the company.  All the unwanted DVDs were also recycled through ACT.  The reusable children’s DVDs were used to create a portable entertainment cart containing the DVDs, a portable DVD player, and arts and crafts.  The portable cart was donated to the Short Stay Unit at Hackettstown Regional Medical Center. Paige updated and distributed a brochure for the Long Valley Recycling Center that helped promote two Recycling Programs, one for recycling electronics, and the other for large scale paper shredding.

Finally, Paige created a website to promote recycling both locally and globally.  As an example, it lets you know where you can donate shoes for victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

MacKenzie Villano

MacKenzie’s project entailed the creation of a database for the American Veterans Association of Washington Township, which includes basic information such as emergency contacts, personal preferences, along with details about their service time in the armed forces. This information was collected through hosting a Valentine's Day themed dinner at the Senior Center where the Veterans were able to communicate and enjoy their dinner whilst filling out the questionnaire. This questionnaire information was then compiled it into a template on the computer and stored on a USB, as well as in hard copy in a binder in the possession of the AVAWT. This project was selected in hopes to keep the Veterans better connected, whether just for social purposes between the monthly meetings, or for emergency purposes, such as to reach the Veteran or their next of kin in the case of an emergency. Additionally, this database was intended to grow with the Association, as it grows and gains more members- as well as to document and acknowledge the living legacy of the Veterans for many years to come.

Elizabeth Heidi Worth

Elizabeth’s project was to create a Kids Park for the children who attended the annual Colombia Trail Tromp for Cancer Research in honor of Bill Harrington, a local community leader. The Kids Park was a place where the parents could drop off their children while they participated in the Tromp. The older children could stop by the Kids Park for a break and then continue on with the Tromp. While the children were at the Kids Park, they would get a chance to learn about healthy lifestyle techniques while having fun. Elizabeth wanted the children to go away with important lessons about being healthy and changes in their lifestyle that would be with them all their lives. The children were split up according to age and did educational activities. Along with the educational activities, there were game stands set up for them to play in between learning. Hurricane Irene altered the plans for the Tromp this year and the event had to be held at later at the Green Market.  It was very successful and will long be remembered to the children that attended.

Archived Scout Project with Supporting Info

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Bryan Dickenson 
Eagle Scout Bryan Dickson completed the improvements to the Mill Pond Park Trail.

David Kent 
Eagle Scout David Kent completed the construction of a garden at the Seeing Eye in Morristown.

Andrew Hoffman 
Eagle Scout Andrew Hoffman built three concrete and steel pinic tables at Koehler's Pond.

Girl Scout Troop 1661 
Girl Scouts from Troop 1661 recently completed the construction of several picnic tables for various locations about town.

Kaitie Sniffen
Girl Scout Kaitie Sniffen recently completed a Bocce Court in Rock Spring Park.

David Hudson 
Eagle Scout David Huson recently completed a project to enhance a flagpole at Palmer Park

Doug Falcone 
Eagle Scout Doug Falcone completed refinishing the picnic benches at Rock Spring Park. Looks great, no splinters!

Phillip Salvatore 
Eagle Scout candidate, Philip Salvatore, a senior at West Morris Central High School and a group of 20 Scouts and parents recently completed the construction of a footbridge across Schooley's Mountain Brook, allowing access to Cataract Park.

Ryan Gelsinger
Ryan Gelsinger recently constructed a path around Koehler’s Pond with a project took over 86 Volunteer man-hours to complete. The path provides access to scenic locations around the pond along with a consistent walkway and improved access.

Past Eagle Projects

Peter R. Ceran

 Landscaped a picnic area at Palmer Park and constructed a bulletin board near the main parking lot.

James E. Kowalak

Repainted the chapel at the cemetery on Coleman Road and cleaned up the surrounding grounds.

Daniel Lennon

Designed and constructed a new picnic area at Palmer Park in Washington Township. He supervised the construction of four picnic tables, and the excavation and preparation of the site by over twenty volunteers.

Daniel Callahan

Cataloged artifacts on display at the Washington Township Historic Society.

Eric Draghi

Constructed, painted and installed fifteen flower boxes along East Mill Road in Long Valley.

Craig Draghi

Built and installed six concrete planters at St. Mark’s Church. Craig also planted flowers in the planters.

Nicholas Tepfenhart

Designed and created an 8' x 12' pergola and sitting area in the front lawn of St Mark's Catholic Church as an outdoor space where parishioners and church employees could relax, meditate and enjoy the outside on nice days.

Christopher Hendricks

Constructed a prayer labyrinth, complete with a large wooden cross in the center, at the Long Valley Presbyterian Church on Bartley Road.

Greg Hatcher

Built a skate park at his church, Valley View Chapel in Long Valley. He directed more than thirty people in building two ramps, two manual boxes, and two ledges.

Matthew Gelsinger

Refurbished the senior center at Rock Spring Park by painting the entire interior – including the kitchen, bathroom, and common room – cleaning the space, creating and installing new curtains, and reinstalling the blinds on the windows.

Eric Stricker

Built and installed wood covers to go over the metal I-beams that line the guardrails at the Harrington Park playing fields off of Flocktown Road.

Chris Rec

Constructed a twelve-foot circular meditation area made of pavers in front of a statue of Mary at Our Lady of the Mountain Church. Work on the project included digging and excavating earth, laying pavers, and planting shrubs.

Evan Wykoff

Cleaned and repainted the inside of the bathrooms at Rock Spring Park. In addition, Evan sanded and painted the benches that surround the tennis courts at Rock Spring Park.

Charlie Adler

Completed several signs for the Long Valley Food Pantry at the Long Valley Presbyterian Church on Bartley Road and additional multipurpose, weather-proof sign-holders to be placed around town for marketing the Food Pantry.

Matt Elchison

Landscaped around the Washington Township Police Department by removing the mulch and rock from the station grounds, along with digging holes for new plants and then planting them and re-mulching the area.

Mike Clark

Created metal sign holders that were placed along Route 513 coming into Long Valley and used to advertise the Long Valley Food Pantry’s annual “Sponsor a Wreath” fundraiser.

Brent Roehrich

Cut back tress around the parking lot on West Morris Street at Trinity United Methodist Church in Hackettstown with the assistance of Iona Hill and Donaldson Farms. In addition, Brent planted two raised flowerbeds with a row of bushes in between, cleaned the area with weed whackers and spread new mulch and soil.

Rob Falcone

Helped refurbish the Colonial Musketeers Fife & Drums Corps’ equipment room, including replacing a door, redoing all of the drywall, building a new drum rack, and installing new shelving for all the camping supplies.

Ross Wykoff

Refurbished eight benches and installed them along the footpath around Harrington Park.

Justin Guenther

Built benches and landscaped for the Long Valley Dog Park.

Brandon Farnsworth

 Constructed a sign for Our Lady of the Mountain church, painted the window flower boxes on the adjacent building, and restored the Virgin Mary statue hanging on the front of the building.

Scott Elchison

Partnered with the Long Valley Food Pantry for his project to not only make new collection boxes that were placed around town for the food pantry’s annual charity wreath hanging, but also helped clean up the pantry itself to reduce the crowdedness inside and build a brand new bench and mulch bed for outside.

Joe Tepfenhart

Landscaped near the front of the Grace Bible Chapel in Chester, including adding new shrubbery, in addition to refurbishing an old church bell that was laying around rusted and unused on the property.

Brendan Stokes

Built a fire pit for St. Mark’s Church to use for the Easter Vigil service, in addition to landscaping around the Pastor’s home.

Ryan Stone

Made benches for the porch and a railing for a small set of stairs on the side of the Long Valley Arts/Teen Center. The front porch, side ramp, and stairs/railing on the side of the building were all re-stained and the wooden railing on the ramp and the pagoda on the porch were both re-painted.

Connor Hatcher

Built and installed benches along the Columbia Trail.

John Carkitto

Landscaped at Our Lady of the Mountain church, including stonework and digging holes for a new white fence, which John installed along Schooley’s Mountain Road.

Jeffrey Gary

Worked with the historical society to design and install a bronze sign that marked the location of a famous mineral spring. In addition, Jeff coordinated with public officials to install a trailhead kiosk at Cataract Park in Long Valley.

Chris Mazzei

Added approximately thirty feet of spoke wood fencing around the Senior Center building at Rock Spring Park, in addition to repainting the railing that leads to the building’s entrance and replacing some shrubbery around the building.

Dan Mazzei

Refurbished office space at the Zion Lutheran Church, including installing sheetrock, taping joints, spackling and painting. Once the refurbishing was complete, Dan also put up trim and set up the entire office.

Alex Falvey

Built two picnic tables that would unhook into four benches to be used at Mountain Top Church in Hackettstown. Alex also renovated a children's room in the church, which included painting, molding and hole repair.

Christian Paolella

Recorded information on the stones in the cemetery of the old Union Church on Fairview Avenue. This project helped the church apply for another restoration grant.

Thomas Maguire

Built a new garden for the Long Valley Presbyterian Church on Bartley Road. The garden is 100' x 30' and consists of three sections. The first section is a community garden, the second is for local scouts to take care of, and the third is used to donate fresh produce to the Long Valley Food Pantry.

Cody Gelsinger

Helped Schiff Nature Preserve in the maintenance of the meadow that contained their bluebird boxes. This came in two parts: replacement of the old bluebird boxes with new ones and the removal of invasive plant species around the edge of the meadow.

Kurt Stenger

Created four bike racks at area parks – two at Harrington Park, one at Cobblestone Park, and one between the tennis and basketball courts at Rock Spring Park.

Tim Santos

Installed four benches that he and several scouts constructed along the Columbia and Patriots’ Path trails for the Morris County Parks Commission.

Brian Kluse

Collected used bicycles and repaired them to be donated to Pedals for Progress, an organization that takes bikes to third world countries and donates them to people to use as transportation to their jobs.

Sam Walczuk

Helped coordinate the “Columbia Trail Tromp” twelve-mile walk/bike/run charity event held in August 2012 to help fight pancreatic cancer.

Austin Farnsworth

Cleaned up and renovated a section of Patriot's Path Trail.

Michael Schommer

Paved, edged a path, built benches, and refurbished the Palmer Park memorial of former Troop 236 Scoutmaster Bruce Anderson.

Jeff D’Ambola

Built two 3x10x3 foot planters at the Holly Manor nursing home in Mendham so that residents could garden.

John Craig Borman

Cleared an area at Califon Pond, just off of Pleasant Grove Road and next to Califon fields, to place a picnic bench that he built with the help of fellow scouts. In addition, John dug postholes and installed two in-ground benches, as well as gardened to beautify the area.

Zach Plocic

Built and installed an information kiosk for the then newly-founded community garden at Palmer Park.

Greg Engemann

Refurbished the playground at Long Valley Presbyterian Church on Bartley Road, including spreading new sand and installing a new wood border.

Nicholas Masiello

Installed an informational kiosk, a bench and an informational trail sign at the trail bend behind the pump house right after the East Springtown entrance of Schooley's Mountain Park.

John Madaras

Worked with the nature Conservancy to construct a bird blind in the Budd Lake area on the banks of the Raritan River.

Brian Degen

Cleaned and repaired the pavilion at Long Valley Presbyterian Church, which included power washing the rafters, tables and benches, and concrete floor; installing bird netting on the rafters to prevent birds and squirrels from living in the roof; and additional landscaping.

Collin Petronella

Built an altar, five wooden benches and a prayer garden with a statue honoring St. Francis of Assisi behind Our Lady of the Mountain Church.

Sean Roehrich

Refurbished, repainted and replaced a number of rotted wooden planters along Route 513 (East Mill Road) in Long Valley.

Sam Uong

Repurposed an old storage room into a locker room and painted two classrooms for the American Christian School in Succasunna, NJ.

Joe Harmon

Built information kiosks for the South Branch Nature Reserve in Mt. Olive.

Tyler Longo

Created forty bluebird houses that were placed on a site belonging to a local environmental group and adjacent to a farm in Budd Lake.

Trey Mastriani

Designed, printed and installed educational, QR-coded trail signs – some of which needed to be attached to posts that needed to be inserted into the ground – for a hiking trail at the South Branch Preserve of the Land Conservancy in Budd Lake.

Nathan Schommer

Refurbished the picnic tables and park benches, which included some board replacement, sanding, patching, and staining, at Rock Spring Park.

Jimmy Cantwell

Built four 7-foot garden benches that were placed along two trails at the South Branch Preserve in Mt. Olive.   

Seth Kourpas

Installed an information kiosk at the Union Church cemetery, located on Fairview Ave at the Historical Museum in Long Valley.

Tyler Haas

Constructed raised planting beds for seniors at the Paragon Village Senior Living Facility.

Dan Garry

Constructed garden beds at the Long Valley Presbyterian Church for the Long Valley Food Pantry.

Charles Roehrich

Built two picnic tables and two benches for Rock Spring Park.

Tim Carpenter

Landscaped and restored picnic tables at the Long Valley Christian Nursery School.

Joe Pinelli

Refurbished and repainted the front porch of the Zion Lutheran Church's office in the center of Long Valley.

F. Jesse Procaccini 
August 2004 
Tetertown Ravine County Park

Jesse’s project was the clearing of four picnic areas (removing trees, brush, and large rocks), lining walkways with rocks, digging post holes for barbeques, cementing in barbeques, and moving picnic tables to sites. Additionally a fire station box was built for the park for the storage of fire fighting equipment and tools. This project was quite extensive and took many volunteer hours to complete

Samuel Thompson
August 2005 
The House of the Good Shepherd

This residence for senior citizens on Willow Grove Road in Hackettstown, NJ was the site for Sam’s project. It involved designing and constructing wheelchair height mobile planters and flower boxes for an “enabling garden” for the nursing home residents. This project took 219 hours to complete with the assistance of over 20 people. These planters have removed all the physical barriers involved in gardening which has proven to be therapeutic and enjoyable for all the residents in this health-care facility.

Eric San George 
August 2005 
Washington Township Public Library

The heart of Eric’s project was the design and construction of six display boxes and two display book cases for use at the library. The existing perennial garden was re-mulched and expanded. Eric also sanded, filled and re-painted the large sign at the entrance to the library; also two existing picnic tables were sanded and stained as well.

Christopher Draghi 
April 26, 2004 
Washington Township Recreation Department

In early 2000s Washington Township was in the final phases of construction of a new community park, Palmer Field. Chris’s project involved the construction and installation of two directional signs for the athletic fields and a host of identification signs providing desperately needed guidance to park patrons.

Brian Fitzpatrick 
March 21, 2004 
Schooley’s Mountain Fire Protection Association

For some time the SMFPA has sought to paint a fireman symbol, the Maltese Cross, on the streets of the community to identify hydrant locations. Brian’s project addressed this need and provided for about 200 paintings greatly aiding fireman in emergency searches for hydrants.

Justin Hoffman 
November 2003 
Schooley’s Mountain Volunteer Fire Department

Justin's project consisted of constructing two new sets of turn-out gear lockers for the volunteer firefighters of the Schooley’s Mountain Fire Department. The lockers hold the fire jackets, boots, pants, and helmets of each volunteer and provide easy access to them in an emergency situation. Each set of lockers are approximately 8’x6’ and can accommodate an additional 12 firefighters. The project involved over 400 hours of planning, constructing, and finishing with the help of over 20 people.

Joel Cropley 
Hacklebarney State Park

Joel planned, organized, and supervised the landscaping of the entrance to Hacklebarney State Park .  The project took 280 man-hours with the assistance of 14 boys and 3 adults.  It involved clearing all the old brush away from the stone wall and monument area, planting new shrubs, and spreading wood chips.  Local nurseries donated over 100 shrubs for this project.

Ryan San George 
July 2003 
Washington Township Public Library

Ryan designed and completed the construction of two picnic tables with attached benches to be used by the public and staff. A perennial garden was also designed and installed on the rear slope of the library that can be seen from the children’s staff room, the staff kitchen, and the main circulation room and desk. We also sanded and re-stained the two benches at the entrance of the library

Charles Thompson 
June 2003 
Myhelan Cultural Arts Center

Charles’ project was designing and overseeing over 20 people as they constructed a raised beautification garden at the cultural arts center on Schooley’s Mountain Road in Long Valley . This area is utilized as a safe zone for students being picked up after classes. The construction also prevented the establishment from flooding several times each spring—an unexpected added bonus

Thomas C. Modugno 
March 30, 2003 
Washington Township Library

A feature of many libraries is a bicycle stand which attracts young readers. Thomas noticed that the WTL did not have any stands and he proposed correcting that. The area in front of the library was landscaped, and two wood stained bike racks were built and cemented in place. A great addition to the library!

Joseph Jerome Coyne
December 27, 2002 
Our Lady of the Mountain Catholic Church

The cemetery at OLM had seen recent improvements in grave markers, but a great many graves were unmarked or had disappeared due to the wet and sandy soil. Joe’s project was to survey and document the entire cemetery, realign the major sectors, discover and replace the disappeared or absent small markers.

Darren Michael Zega 
October 29, 2002
Crossroads (Beisler) Outdoor Ministries

The trails at the COM were in general unmarked but hugely ill-maintained. Darren’s project involved reworking the center’s navigation infrastructure: trail signage, tree blazes, and trail conditions such as obstacles, borders and erosion controls. The camping experience at the center is now vastly improved.

Marc Joseph Draghi 
October 1, 2002 
St. Mark’s Catholic Church

The area between the church and hall, visible from the street, was quite barren. Marc created a very pleasant and secluded section that provided quiet and meditation. Benches, many plants, a path and area of paver stone greatly beautified a rather desolate area of the church front.

Gregson E. Mathe 
August 13, 2002 
St. Mark’s Catholic Church

Greg’s project attacked an adjacent side of the church-hall complex. The east side of the property was wild, full of weeds, vines, ivy, rocks and small trees. Greg oversaw an effort to completely rework the landscape: soil conditions were improved, debris removed, mulch, trees, and plants put in place. The result was a transformed and beautiful border to the church hall side of the property.

Keith J. Stolte 
Aprin 10, 2002 
St. Mark’s Catholic Church

St. Mark’s Church had finally been built. The pastor, our Institutional Head, had several Eagle projects that desperately needed completion to transform the property from a construction site to a meditative physical environment that complemented the ministry of the church. Keith’s project created a garden in the water retention basin that involved reworking the soil and coordinating the plants with other landscape projects.

David Reilly 
April, 2002 
Saint Marks Church

Dave’s project involved landscaping 1400 sq feet of Saint Mark’s Church perimeter. The area was a just completed construction zone. Construction debris was cleared, plants put in and a tree was planted at the entrance of the new church addition. The project involved over 25 people and 210 hours of planning, procurement of materials, labor and maintenance

Jimmy Reade 
July 11, 2001
Beisler Outdoor Ministries

All signage at the Beisler Outdoor Ministries was absent or illegible. Jimmy’s project was a massive sign campaign. Bldg names and locations, activity field signs (with directions), general signage such as “offices” and “parking” all needed to be created and installed. The result was an improved flow for all visitors and campers.

Ian Thomson 
June 25, 2001
Washington Township Library

Ian’s project provided two benches in the entrance plaza of the Washington Township Library. The benches were custom made and stained to blend with the surrounding gardens. The design added to the library’s function by affording a secluded outdoor reading site as well as a site for summer outdoor programs.

Edwin Modugno, Jr. 
March 10, 2001 
St. James Episcopal Church

The side of St. James Episcopal Church in Hackettstown facing Moore Street was not landscaped. Eddie’s project addressed this and improved not only the church grounds but the appearance of the surrounding neighborhood. The result was a renewed interest in the church’s structure and the church’s ministry.

Carl Walter Brand 
October 29, 1998 
Our Lady of the Mountain Catholic Church

The cemetery at OLM has well over 400 gravesites. A continuing project of the pastor was to refurbish the cemetery. Carl’s project addressed the deteriorating ground of a portion of the cemetery that had been neglected. His reset markers aligned with the slope rectifying settling that had occurred over the years.

Timothy S. Doucette 
February 11, 1998
Tri-County Fire Association of Mansfield

The Tri-County Fire Association had committed to a new squad house that depended on the sale of the old squad house and property. Tim’s landscaping project cleaned up and improved the overall appearance of the old property and was instrumental in effecting that sale.

Jonathan W. Greeley 
January, 14 1998 
Beattystown Presbyterian Church

Jon’s project was to build a handicap ramp at the Beattystown Presbyterian Church. The ramp was built to be in accord with the recent federal statute governing handicap access for all public places. Beattystown Presbyterian Church thus achieved compliance with the 1994 federal law.

Matthew T. Dellibovi 
Our Lady of the Mountain Catholic Church

Time and poor soil conditions caused gravesite markers at OLM to shift and sink below grade. Matt’s project raised, realigned and reformed the foundations on about 200 gravesites greatly improving the overall appearance of the cemetery.

Ben Abeles 
Schooley's Mountain Presbyterian Church

Ben’s project took place in May 1996 and involved painting Schooley's Mountain Presbyterian Church.  The Project took about 360 man hours including prep work like washing and scraping and then the actual painting

John S. Misdary 
December 3, 1996 
Long Valley First Aid Squad

John’s project was a landscape improvement project at the LVFAS property on Rt. 24. Railroad ties were used to define the entire perimeter and the grounds adjacent to the squad building. The area thus laid out then received a thick, much needed, layer of mulch beautifying the entire squad property.

Brian T. Wills 
September 23, 1996
Senior Citizens of Washington Township

Brian set up a Vial-of-Life program for the seniors in Washington Township This involved acquisition and distribution of the vials; also numerous presentations to the community on where to place these in the home, what essential info the vials should contain, and signage in the home in cases of emergency.

Timothy M. Casey 
March 14, 1996 
Washington Township Recreation Department

Tim’s project involved the design, construction and installation of a community bulletin board at Rock Springs Park . He arranged its location next to the parking and concession stand by the LV Raiders football field. In that position the board could be readily used and easily seen by the entire community.

Benjamin F. Armstrong 
Musconetcong Valley Community Association

The day program at the MVCA featured an archery program for the children enrolled in this community organization. B.J.’s project built and put in place, several wooden archery stands, complete with hay-bale backboards, which greatly augmented the archery program.

David Abeles 
Long Valley First Aid Squad

Dave’s project involved the grubbing and clearing of approximately 3000 sq. ft. of property and the installation of 250 feet of wooden post & rail fence along the eastern boarder of the Squad's property in downtown Long Valley , NJ .  The donation of the fencing materials and all the work was completed in one weekend.

Michael Haynes 
Washington Township Land Trust

Michael’s project involved the construction of a bridge over a tributary (Electric Brook) of the Musconetcong river in the historic section of Long Valley . This 24 foot wide bridge allowed access to the newly acquired Land Trust property behind the old LaTourette grist mill.

Kevin Haynes 
Long Valley First Aid Squad

Kevin staged a large campaign to make and distribute personal first aid kits. Over 125 kits were made and sold; the monies generated were used to purchase stethoscopes and blood pressure cups for the Long Valley First Aid Squad.

Keith S. Appelbaum 
Morris County Parks Department

Keith cleaned up and assayed a large acquisition to Schooley’s Mountain Park on the north side of Camp Washington Road . He advertised and presented the new park lands to the Long Valley community in a town hall style meeting.

Jared T. White 
St. Mark’s Catholic Church

Jared built and installed a raised parquet platform as a temporary altar in the church hall at St. Mark’s. Services are held in the hall pending construction of the church.

James E. Moon 
St. Mark’s Catholic Church

James built and installed a series of “meditation” benches at the new church community of St. Mark’s. Several benches were made and disbursed in a pathway pattern on the property at the back of the new church hall structure.

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43 Schooley's Mountain Road
Long Valley, NJ 07853
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