By Super User on April 09, 2020
Category: Township News

Census 2020 - Make Sure You Are Counted

Have you submitted your Census response yet?

It is important to answer the Census. These numbers are used for many things, including assistance and funding.  School lunches, plans for highways, support for firefighters and families in need.  The results will impact our community. 

You can respond online, by phone, or by mail.  Visit the 2020 Census website HERE for details.  If residents don't respond, there will be a door to door campaign later this year to capture the missing data.

Visit the 2020 Census HERE to learn more. 


And, just to add a little fun challenge to this:  the national self reporting rate is 46%, the NJ self reporting rate is 47%, and Washington Township's self reporting rate is 62%.  (Dates are as of 4/7/20 and taken from the 2020 Census website).  We all knew Washington Township was above average, let's keep it going.  Remind friends and neighbors to respond!

View national, state, county, and town response rates at the 2020 Census website HERE