By Super User on November 09, 2020
Category: Township News

Mayor's Update

Update week of November 9, 2020

We are seeing an increase in confirmed COVD-19 cases in the area, including in Washington Township.  The number of cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed by the Washington Township Health Department are now at 192, with no new deaths. For more information from our Township visit the township’s Covid-19 website portal:

Please be advised, in addition to the confirmed number of cases, there are a number of additional cases diagnosed by an alternative “rapid” test that are not included in this count.

It is extremely important that if you are contacted by the Health Department and identified as a confirmed case, you follow the direction of the Health Department and isolate yourself for 10 days.

If you are identified as a close contact of a confirmed case, it is equally important that you follow the direction of the Health Department and self-quarantine for 14 days.

Please remember to get your flu shot, wash your hands, socially distance and follow the directions of the Health Department if/when you are contacted by them.


Mayor Matt Murello