By Super User on September 15, 2021
Category: Township News

Polling Location Changes for Certain Districts

Beginning with this November General Election, polling places for some voting districts in town have been changed. Two locations where four districts voted were unavailable for the June primary election. District 3 voters will be able to vote again at the West Morris Central High School going forward; however the other polling location was not able to commit as a polling location. 

Fortunately, additional facilities have volunteered to serve as polling locations and have been inspected and approved by the Morris County Board of Elections. With these new locations, and the loss of a previous location, polling locations for several districts have been changed. 

The districts voting at different polling locations beginning with the November general election are:

District 4: Valley View Chapel, 115 E. Mill Rd.

District 5: St. Luke Parish, 265 W. Mill Rd.

District 6: Municipal Building, 43 Schooley’s Mountain Rd.

District 9: Municipal Building, 43 Schooley’s Mountain Rd.

District 10: Senior Center, 35 E. Springtown Rd.

District 12: St. Luke Parish, 265 W. Mill Rd.

Postcards with the new locations above will be mailed to voters in those districts on September 15 and 16. Your district number will be on the mailing label.

Ballots can also be placed in the Morris County Elections Drop Box installed at the Washington Township Police Station.